Rating System

Review and final thoughts are solely based on my opinion but this is the rating system that I follow:

Scale of 1-5
The product score is a measure of a product's effectiveness, efficiency, and how it performs.

Scale of 1-5
The value score is whether the product is priced in line with the expectation and whether you're getting enough for your money.

Scale of 1-5
The packaging score is if it based on functionality and durability. Appearance sometimes gets factored into this, as well.

Scale of 1-5
1 - Failure - An absolute failure of a product, doesn't do the job it's supposed to.
2 - Waste - The product is worth a try, but just doesn't cut it.
3 - Average - Okay, better things are out there.
4 - Like - It's good, but still searching for the best.
5 - Love - Fabulous product, does everything it's supposed and more.

**This grade scale is a smaller and to-the-point version of temptalia.com.